📄️ Spatial Database
Spatial Databases store geographic information in the relational format including coordinates and topologies(vectors and raster forms). There are two ways to represent data i.e. vectors and raster. Vector is high-quality geographical data, raster used to show patterns, made available large sets of data.
📄️ Data Warehouse
A Data Warehouse (DW) is a relational database that is designed for query and analysis rather than transaction processing. It includes historical data derived from transaction data from single and multiple sources.
📄️ Create a Blog Post
Docusaurus creates a page for each blog post, but also a blog index page, a tag system, an RSS feed...
📄️ markdown-features
📄️ Deploy your site
Docusaurus is a static-site-generator (also called Jamstack).
📄️ Create a Document
Documents are groups of pages connected through: